图书来源:二元合金相图及中间相晶体结构 二元合金相图及中间相晶体结构
作 者:唐仁政 田荣璋
定 价:320元
Yue ZHANG Yanbin WANG Lijie QIAO Wuyang CHU Chimei HSIAO Dept.of Materials Physics,University of Science and Technology,Beijing,Beijing,100083,China
摘 要:<正> The relationship between the stress intensity factor K1* required for brittle crack initiation and propa-gation and the fractal dimension DF of the fracture surface was derived,i.e,InK1*=(1/2)In2γE’+(1/2)In(df/L0)(1-DF)The real surface energy can be calculated based on the measured linear relation of the InK1* vs DF,The equation is not only suitable for the overload fracture but also for the delayed fracture,e.g.hydrogen induced cracking (HIC) and stress corrosion cracking (SCC).The experiment resultsshowed that the hydrogen induced delayed cracking occurred in the Ti-24AI-11 Nb alloy during dy-namic charging,and the threshold stress intensity factor was very low,i.e..KIH/KIC= 0.43.The ex-perimental relationship between the stress intensity factor K1* and DF was consistent with the theo-retical equation.