

图书来源:二元合金相图及中间相晶体结构 二元合金相图及中间相晶体结构

作 者:唐仁政 田荣璋


定 价:320元




An electrochemical method for evaluating the resistance to cathodic disbondment of anti-corrosion coatings on buried pipelines

Chan Li, Bei Cao, and Yinshun Wu Materials Science and Engineering School, University of Science and Technology Beijing, Beijing 100083, China

摘 要:Methods for evaluating the resistance to cathodic disbondment (RCD) of anti-corrosion coatings on buried pipelines were reviewed. It is obvious that these traditional cathodic disbondment tests (CDT) have some disadvantages and the evaluated results are only simple figures and always rely on the subjective experience of the operator. A new electrochemical method for evaluating the RCD of coatings, that is, the potentiostatic evaluation method (PEM), was developed and studied. During potentiostatic anodic po- larization testing, the changes of stable polarization current of specimens before and after cathodic disbonding (CD) were measured, and the degree of cathodic disbondment of the coating was quantitatively evaluated, among which the equivalent cathodic disbonded distance ?D was suggested as a parameter for evaluating the RCD. A series of testing parameters of the PEM were determined in these experiments.


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