Formation of texture of Ni48Mn31Ga21 polycrystalline alloy by thermal simulation pack rolling technology


论文作者:卢斌 王花宾 刘岩 刘吉轩 王洪磊

文章页码:843 - 847

Key words:Ni-Mn-Ga alloys; magnetic shape memory alloys; thermal simulation; rolling; martensitic transformation; texture

Abstract: The hot deformation behavior of Ni48Mn31Ga21 alloy was studied by thermal simulation rolling technology. Microstructure evolution of the alloys under different rolling processes was studied by optical microscopy(OM) and X-ray diffractometry(XRD).The results show that, by thermal simulation pack rolling technology, textures appear in polycrystalline Ni48Mn31Ga21 alloy, and big cracks can be avoided under large deformation ratio. The rolling process with few passes and strong deformation makes Ni48Mn31Ga21 alloy obtain (202), (400) and (323) textures of martensitic variants more easily, especially (400) texture. Besides the interface between package materials and the Ni48Mn31Ga21 alloy is clear, which is beneficial for Ni48Mn31Ga21 alloy to separate from pack.

基金信息:the National Natural Science Foundation of China


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