论文作者:王伏生 赵慕岳 粱容海 周载明 张纪生
文章页码:191 - 196
关键词:高比重合金; 钨基合金; 组分; 粉末冶金; 密度; 粉末成形; 压力; 抗张强度; 固相烧结; 成形压力
Key words:high-density alloys; tungsten-base alloys; components; powder metallurgy; density; powder compacting; pressures; tensile strength; solid-phase sintering Free terms: compacting pressure
摘 要:本文研究了有关因素对高比重合金性能的影响,结果表明,当合金的钨含量高于95%时,则主要因素即成形压力对合金的最终性能有较大的影响,其影响规律对高比重合金的研究与生产均有一定的指导意义.
Abstract: The influence of related factors on properties of heavy alloy is investigated in the present paper. It is demonstrated by invesigation result that the influence ofrelated factors especially the shaping pressure have a major influeuce on the final properties of alloy when its tungstan content exceeds 95%. The rule of this influence can be used to guide the resoarch work on and production of heavy alloys.