

论文作者:杨玮 覃文庆 刘瑞强 任允超

文章页码:1151 - 1158


Key words:high arsenic refractory gold concentrate; bacterial oxidation; cyaniding gold extraction

摘    要:通过在高砷金精矿中配入不同比例的低砷碳酸盐型金精矿,使其所含硫、砷及铁等主要矿物成分含量发生变化,研究给矿中铁砷摩尔比对难处理高砷金精矿细菌氧化-氰化浸出效果的影响。结果表明:含砷金精矿中铁砷摩尔比直接影响细菌预氧化的效果,同时也影响细菌的活性和溶液中铁砷摩尔比的变化,给矿中铁砷摩尔比越高,溶液中的铁砷摩尔比也越高,且随着给矿中铁砷摩尔比的增加,溶液中铁砷摩尔比的变化幅度加大,给矿中铁砷摩尔比介于4.6~5.2之间,有利于细菌预氧化和氰化浸出,铁、砷氧化率分别由6.14%和7.38%提高到89.90%和93.60%,金、银浸出率分别由64.18%和35.93%提高到97.78%和88.83%,较好地改善细菌氧化效果,稳定和优化细菌预氧化过程。


Through blending low arsenic carbonate gold concentrate with different ratios into high arsenic-containing gold concentrate and changing the content of major ores, such as sulfur, arsenic and iron, the effect of iron-arsenic molar ratio on the bacteria oxidating-cyaniding extraction from high arsenic-containing refractory gold concentrate was investigated. The result shows that the iron-arsenic mole ratio of arsenic-containing gold concentrate has direct effect on the bacteria oxidation, bacteria activity and iron-arsenic molar ratio in solution. High iron-arsenic mole ratio in feeding results in high iron-arsenic ratio in solution. With iron-arsenic molar ratio increasing, the iron-arsenic ratio increases, and the frequency of change accelerates. The iron-arsenic ratio ranging from 4.6 to 5.2 is helpful to bacteria oxidizing-cyaniding extraction, the oxidation ratios of iron and arsenic increase to 89.90% and 93.60% from 6.14% and 7.38%, respectively. The extraction rate of gold and silver increase to 97.78% and 88.83% from 64.18% and 35.93%, respectively. Choosing appropriate iron-arsenic molar ratio can effectively improve the bacterial oxidation, stabilizes and optimize the process of bacterial pre-oxidation.


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