
Electrochemical investigation on hydride electrode with tungsten carbide additive


论文作者:杨晓光 张孝彬 谭国龙 张文魁 雷永泉 王启东 吴希俊

文章页码:59 - 63

Key words:hydrogen storage alloys; tungsten carbide; electrode performances; EIS

Abstract: Nano-meter-sized WC powder (1~20 nm) was synthesized by mechanochemical explosion synthesis. The catalytic property of WC powder was discovered to decompose the molecular water and chemical-adsorb H atoms in KOH solution, and accelerate the combination reaction of hydrogen during the cathodic polarization, thus a negative effect on the activation was found because of easy H2 emission. Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) showed that the adsorbed hydrogen atoms on the surface of WC are first electrochemically oxidized due to their lower chemical bonding, and that the low conductivity of WC powder also increases the internal resistance of electrodes.



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