论文作者:杨天足 赵天从
文章页码:171 - 176
关键词:湿法冶金; 硫; 二甲苯; 浸出/残余物
Key words:hydrometallurgy; sulfur; dimethylbenzene; leaching/residues
摘 要:本文研究了用二甲苯作溶剂从湿法冶金残渣中提取元素硫的可能性。确定了浸出过程的主要工艺条件;对含元素硫28.04%的残渣,在温度90℃、浸出时间10min、液固比为5的条件下,可达97.0%的浸出率,浸出渣含元素硫仅1.5%。与其它溶硫的有机溶剂相比,所用二甲苯具有毒性较低,挥发性较小,价格低廉并可循环使用、浸出速度快等特点。
Abstract: In this investigation, dimethylbenzene was used as a solvent to recover sulfurfrom hydrometallurgical residue. The sulfur dissolves in dimethylbenzene at highertemperature and crystallizes out when dimethylbenzene containing sulfur is cooledto room temperature. The 97.0% extraction of sulfur was achieved from theresidue containing 28.04% sulfur under the following conditions: temperature90℃, L/S ratio 5 and leaching time 10 min. Dimethylbenzene, which can berecycled, is less toxic and volatile and cheaper than other sulfur-dissolving solventssuch as trichloroethylene, tetrachloroethylene, methylbenzene and benzene.