论文作者:李赛毅 张新明 陈志永 周卓平
文章页码:563 - 567
Key words:texture; uniaxial tension; orientation stability; plastic strain ratio; FCC metals
摘 要:采用速率敏感晶体塑性理论,预测了面心立方金属板材单轴拉伸过程中主要理想取向的稳定性。结果表明,相对于拉伸坐标系而言,稳定性较好的理想取向,主要包括稳定取向G{110}<001>T和亚稳取向B{110}<112>T与S{123}<634>T,以及在不同初始塑性应变比(R 值)条件下可能成为稳定或亚稳取向的Cu{112}<111>T与P{110}<111>T 和C{100}<001>T。取向RG{110}<110>T 和RCu{112}<110>T 的稳定性较差。 理想取向所对应的织构组分的稳定性与之相似。
Abstract: Orientation stability during uniaxial tension of face-centered cubic ( FCC) metal sheets is predicted using a rate-sensitive crystal plasticity model. The results demonstrated that referring to the tension coordinate system, orientation G{110}<001>T is stable, B{110}<112>T and S{123}<634>T are metastable, while RG{110}<110>T and RCu{112}<110>T are unstable. Orientations Cu{112}<111>T, P{110}<111>T and C{100}<001>T are stable or metastable depending on the initial plastic strain ratio (R value). The stabilities of texture components are similar to those of the corresponding ideal orientations.