
Electron Theory Research in Mg-Y Alloy


论文作者:郭旭涛 李培杰 曾大本 何良菊

Key words:metal materials; yttrium; EET; solution strength; second-phase strength; rare earths;

Abstract: Adding yttrium to magnesium can improve the mechanical properties,especially the mechanical behavior at high temperature.The valence electron structures of Mg-Y alloy were analyzed with the empirical electron theory of solids and molecules(EET).Calculation shows that yttrium is on the fifth hybrid level and magnesium is on the third one in pure metal crystals.By comparing with aluminum in Mg-Al alloy,it is shown that the reason why the solution strengthening effect of yttrium is better than that of aluminum in Mg-Al alloy is the enhanced bond energy according to EET.And it is concluded from EET analysis that intermetallics Mg24Y5 can significantly improve the properties of magnesium alloys because yttrium atoms occupy the centers of the octahedron and Mg-Y bonds efficiently strengthen the alloy matrix.


Electron Theory Research in Mg-Y Alloy


(1.Department of Mechanical Engineering,Tsinghua University,Beijing 100084,China)

Abstract:Adding yttrium to magnesium can improve the mechanical properties,especially the mechanical behavior at high temperature.The valence electron structures of Mg-Y alloy were analyzed with the empirical electron theory of solids and molecules(EET).Calculation shows that yttrium is on the fifth hybrid level and magnesium is on the third one in pure metal crystals.By comparing with aluminum in Mg-Al alloy,it is shown that the reason why the solution strengthening effect of yttrium is better than that of aluminum in Mg-Al alloy is the enhanced bond energy according to EET.And it is concluded from EET analysis that intermetallics Mg24Y5 can significantly improve the properties of magnesium alloys because yttrium atoms occupy the centers of the octahedron and Mg-Y bonds efficiently strengthen the alloy matrix.

Key words:metal materials; yttrium; EET; solution strength; second-phase strength; rare earths;


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