Casting-cold extrusion of Al/Cu clad composite by copper tubes with different sketch sections


论文作者:骆俊廷 赵双敬 张春祥

文章页码:882 - 886

Key words:Al/Cu clad composite; casting?cold extrusion; sketch section; finite element simulation

Abstract: Casting–cold extrusion technology was presented to fabricate aluminum/copper clad composite, and copper tubes with different sketch sections were designed. The technology of aluminum/copper clad composite fabricated by casting–cold extrusion was simulated by DEFORM software using tubes with four arc grooves. The stress and strain in different deformation zones were analyzed. The groove size reduces gradually and the groove shape drives to triangle during the extrusion procedure. The maximum values of equivalent effective stress and radial stress appear in groove zones, and the maximum equivalent effective strain firstly is obtained also in groove zones. The grain size in groove zones is less than that in other zones. The experimental results are consistent with simulation results, which prove that the copper tubes with sketch section are favorable to the metallurgy bond of boundary interface between aluminum and copper.

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