论文作者:周艳梅 王亚萍 朱金花 刘清泉
文章页码:28 - 31
关键词:三聚氰胺; 汞离子; 吸附容量; 吸附率; 吸附等温线
Key words:melamine; mercury ion; adsorption capacity; adsorption rate; adsorption isotherm
摘 要:三聚氰胺中含有三个自由氨基和三个芳香氮原子,对重金属离子具有很大的吸附潜力。为考察该吸附剂对汞离子的吸附性能,实验分别在不同吸附时间、吸附温度、溶液pH值、汞离子浓度条件下测定三聚氰胺对汞离子的吸附容量和吸附率,结果表明三聚氰胺对汞离子具有良好的吸附性能。在30℃温度下,pH 5.0,50 mg三聚氰胺在25 mL 5 430 mg/L氯化汞溶液中对汞离子吸附6 h,测得吸附容量为606 mg/g,吸附率达38.9%,其吸附等温线属于Freundlich型。由于该吸附剂的良好综合吸附性能和廉价优势,使得它在汞离子的分离、富集及含汞废液处理领域具有广阔的应用前景。
Abstract: The melamine molecule contained three free amino groups and three aromatic nitrogen atoms,so it had great adsorption potential to heavy metal ions.In order to investigate the adsorption property of this adsorbent to mercury ion,the adsorption capacity and adsorption rate of melamine to mercury ion were measured under different conditions including adsorption time,adsorption temperature,pH of solution and concentration of mercury ion.The results showed that melamine had good adsorption property to mercury ions.At 30 ℃ and pH 5.0,when 50 mg of melamine was used to absorb mercury ion in 25 mL of 5430 mg/L mercury chloride solution for 6 h,the measured adsorption capacity was 606 mg/g and the adsorption rate was 38.9%.The adsorption isotherm belonged to Freundlich mode.This adsorbent had good comprehensive adsorption property and price advantage,so it had wide application prospect in separation and enrichment of mercury ion and the treatment of wastewater containing mercury.
(1.河南省开封市河南大学 化学化工学院环境与分析科学研究所)
摘 要:三聚氰胺中含有三个自由氨基和三个芳香氮原子,对重金属离子具有很大的吸附潜力。为考察该吸附剂对汞离子的吸附性能,实验分别在不同吸附时间、吸附温度、溶液pH值、汞离子浓度条件下测定三聚氰胺对汞离子的吸附容量和吸附率,结果表明三聚氰胺对汞离子具有良好的吸附性能。在30℃温度下,pH 5.0,50 mg三聚氰胺在25 mL 5 430 mg/L氯化汞溶液中对汞离子吸附6 h,测得吸附容量为606 mg/g,吸附率达38.9%,其吸附等温线属于Freundlich型。由于该吸附剂的良好综合吸附性能和廉价优势,使得它在汞离子的分离、富集及含汞废液处理领域具有广阔的应用前景。
关键词:三聚氰胺; 汞离子; 吸附容量; 吸附率; 吸附等温线