

论文作者:陈曦 袁静 陈凯 胡成臣

文章页码:2884 - 2892


Key words:inter-domain network; border gateway protocol; transient failure; protected routing

摘    要:提出一种域间网络保护路由模型,利用边界网关协议(BGP)路由表中已经存在的后备路由资源,确保在路由收敛过程中自治系统(autonomous system,AS)节点之间端对端的连通性,从而避免数据传输发生中断,解决瞬态故障。并利用互联网AS-level网络拓扑图重构AS节点的路由表,评估互联网的可保护程度。研究结果表明:提出的保护路由模型在不增加BGP路由器额外开销的基础上能够较好地保证网络数据传输不中断,增强互联网的连通性。

Abstract: A protected routing model for inter-domain network was proposed based on the existing backup paths in border gateway protocol (BGP) routing table to guarantee the end-to-end connectivity and the uninterrupted packet forwarding for autonomous system (AS) nodes, and to solve the transient failure. The protectability of the current internet was evaluated based on constructing the complete AS nodes’ routing tables by using the internet AS-level topology graph. The results show that the protected routing model can guarantee the uninterrupted packet forwarding and enhance the connectivity of Internet without increasing the overhead of BGP routers.

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