

论文作者:王介强 陶珍东 郑少华 郝哲 孙旭东

文章页码:432 - 436

关键词:YAG多晶体; 固相反应; 制备条件; 透光性

Key words:YAG polycrystalline; solid-state reaction; fabrication conditions; transparency

摘    要:在制备YAG(钇铝石榴石)多晶体的不同条件下, 对其固相反应过程中的物相变化、 YAG烧结体透明程度、 密度和显微组织进行了观测和分析。 结果表明: Y3+的扩散速率是决定固相反应进程的主要因素, 将高活性的Y2O3 纳米微粒与Al2O3 粉均匀混合,可促进固相反应的完成, 使获得YAG透明体的烧结温度降低100~200℃, 保温时间也显著缩短; 气孔和晶界对光的反射和散射是YAG多晶体透光性降低的主要原因, 采用真空烧结可提高YAG烧结体的密度, 改善晶体结构的均匀度, 有利于提高YAG多晶体的透光性。

Abstract: It was observed and analyzed that phase transformation during the solid-state reaction, transparency, density and microstructure of YAG polycrystalline sintered under different fabrication conditions. The results show that the diffusion velocity of Y3+ plays an important role during the solid-state reaction. When higher active Y2O3 nano-powders used as the starting materials are uniformly mixed with Al2O3 powders, the solid-state reaction is obviously promoted. The sintering temperature to get transparent YAG ceramics is reduced by 100~200℃, and the heating period is also shortened. The reflecting and scattering of pores and grain boundaries to light are main reasons decreasing the transparency of YAG polycrystalline. Improving the density of vacuum-sintered YAG and its homogeneity of crystalline structure is helpful to enhancing the transparency of YAG polycrystalline.


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