Abstract: It was observed and analyzed that phase transformation during the solid-state reaction, transparency, density and microstructure of YAG polycrystalline sintered under different fabrication conditions. The results show that the diffusion velocity of Y3+ plays an important role during the solid-state reaction. When higher active Y2O3 nano-powders used as the starting materials are uniformly mixed with Al2O3 powders, the solid-state reaction is obviously promoted. The sintering temperature to get transparent YAG ceramics is reduced by 100~200℃, and the heating period is also shortened. The reflecting and scattering of pores and grain boundaries to light are main reasons decreasing the transparency of YAG polycrystalline. Improving the density of vacuum-sintered YAG and its homogeneity of crystalline structure is helpful to enhancing the transparency of YAG polycrystalline.
Influence of fabrication conditions on transparency of YAG polycrystalline by solid-state reaction method
It was observed and analyzed that phase transformation during the solidstate reaction, transparency, densification and microstructure of YAG polycrystalline sintered under different fabrication conditions. The results show that the diffusion velocity of Y3+ plays an important role during the solidstate reaction. When higher active Y2O3 nanopowders used as the starting materials are uniformly mixed with Al2O3 powders, the solidstate reaction is obviously promoted. The sintering temperature to get transparent YAG ceramics is reduced by 100~200 ℃, and the heating period is also shortened. The reflecting and scattering of pores and grain boundaries to light are main reasons decreasing the transparency of YAG polycrystalline. Improving the densification of vacuumsintered YAG and its homogeneity of crystalline structure is helpful to enhancing the transparency of YAG polycrystalline.
图1 采用表1配料方案、 1 700 ℃保温5 h 所得YAG试样的透光性 Fig.1 Transparency of YAG specimens as starting materials in Table 1 sintered at 1 700 ℃ for 5 h (1)—With Ⅰ in Table 1; (2)— With Ⅱ in Table 1; (5)—With Ⅲ in Table 1; (6)—With Ⅳ in Table 1; (3) and (8)—With Ⅴ in Table 1; (4) and (7)—With Ⅵ in Table 1
表1 固相反应法制备YAG试样的配料方案 Table 1 Batch schemes of YAG specimens fabricated by solid-state reaction method
图4 不同温度下YAG烧结体试样的透光性 Fig.4 Transparency of YAG specimens sintered at different temperatures (1)—At 1 500 ℃ for 2.5 h; (2)—At 1 600 ℃ for 3 h; (3)—At 1 700 ℃ for 5 h
图5 YAG烧结体相对密度与烧结温度的关系 Fig.5 Dependence of YAG relative density on sintering temperature
图6 不同烧结温度下得到的YAG试样的显微组织 Fig.6 SEM micrographs of polishing and thermal etching surface of YAG (a)—Sintered at 1 500 ℃ for 2.5 h; (b)—Sintered at 1 600 ℃ for 3 h; (c)—Sintered at 1 700 ℃ for 5 h
图7 YAG透明多晶体与单晶体的透光率测试曲线 Fig.7 Optical transmittance spectra of YAG single crystal and YAG polycrystalline ceramics (a)—0.25 mm thick single crystal; (b)—1 mm thick polycrystalline YAG sintered with Al2O3(0.14 μm) as starting material; (c)—1 mm thick polycrystalline YAG sintered with Al2O3(0.4 μm) as starting material