

论文作者:郑煜 李文娟 段吉安 王丽军 李继攀 吕文

文章页码:343 - 348


Key words:optical fiber coupler; coupling ratio; drawing length; fused biconical tapered; mapping relationship

摘    要:为探明光纤耦合器制造过程中耦合比与拉伸长度之间的关系,基于熔融拉锥法实验研究预设耦合比和预设拉伸长度作为拉锥停止准测,实际耦合比和实际拉伸长度的分布规律。研究结果表明:预设耦合比作为拉锥停止准测的情况下,实际拉伸长度的离散度小于0.5 mm;预设拉伸长度作为拉锥停止准测的情况下,随着预设拉伸长度的增加,实际耦合比的离散度由1.13%增加到21.16%;当预设拉伸长度在12.0~12.6 mm时,实际耦合比y与理论拉伸长度x之间存在线性关系y = 177.3-6.5x。该研究为光纤耦合器熔融拉锥制造工艺与设备的改进、优化提供理论与技术基础。

Abstract: In order to explore the relationship between coupling ration and elongation length for fused tapered optical fiber couplers, the preset coupling ratio and the preset elongation length as the elongation stopping criterion were discussed, and also the regularities of distribution about the actual coupling ratio and elongation length were researched on the basis of the experiments about fused biconical taper. The results show that when the preset coupling ratio is treated as stopping criterion, the dispersion of actual elongation length is less than 0.5 mm; when the preset elongation length is treated as the stopping criterion, the dispersion of actual couping ratio increases from 1.13% to 21.16% with the increase of the elongation length. There is a linear relationship: y=177.3-6.5x, between the actual coupling ratio (y) and the elongation length (x) when the elongation length is undulate in 12.0 to 12.6 mm. This research provides the theoretical principle and supporting technology for improving and optimizing the manufacturing process and equipment in fiber baconical taper.


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