

论文作者:杨放琼 徐海良 饶星

文章页码:2395 - 2403


Key words:lateral swing; transportation characteristics; two-phase flow; simulation

摘    要:为研究横向摆动对深海采矿扬矿管输送特性的影响,探究提高输送系统工作稳定性的方法,采用以颗粒动力学为基础的双欧拉模型和Fluent软件对横向摆动工况下的扬矿管内固液两相流进行模拟仿真,研究摆幅对管道压力损失梯度、出口处颗粒平均体积分数、颗粒体积分数沿径向分布以及颗粒轴向速度分布的影响。研究结果表明:管道摆动使压力损失梯度和出口颗粒平均体积分数呈周期性变化,摆幅越大,二者幅值变化越剧烈;随摆幅的增加,颗粒体积分数沿径向分布不均匀程度越严重,离管壁越近,颗粒聚集程度越高,最高体积分数达到30%;除管壁附近外,摆动工况下颗粒轴向速度沿管径基本呈线性分布,摆幅越大,轴向速度径向分布梯度越大,径向不对称性越严重。

Abstract: To study the influence of lateral oscillation on the conveying characteristics of deep-sea mining pipe,and to explore the method of improving the working stability of the conveying system, the Euler-Euler model based on particle dynamics and Fluent software was employed to simulate the solid-liquid two-phase flow field in lifting pipe under swing conditions. The two-phase flow was simulated to study the influence of swing amplitudes on the pressure loss gradient of the pipeline, the average volume fraction of the particles at the outlet, the radial distribution of the particle volume fraction, and the axial velocity distribution of the particles. The results show that the pipe swing makes the pressure loss gradient and the average volume fraction of the outlet particles change periodically. The larger the swing amplitude, the more severely the amplitude changes. With the increase of the swing amplitude, the uneven distribution of the particle volume fraction along the radial direction is more serious. The closer the particle is to the pipe wall, the higher the particle aggregation degree becomes and the highest volume fraction reaches 30%. Except for the vicinity of the pipe wall, the axial velocity of the particles under the swinging condition is basically linear along the diameter of the pipe. The larger the swing amplitude is, the larger the radial gradient of the axial velocity and the more severe the radial asymmetry will be.


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