图书来源:二元合金相图及中间相晶体结构 二元合金相图及中间相晶体结构
作 者:唐仁政 田荣璋
定 价:320元
Zengwu Zhao1,2), Daqiang Cang1), Wenfei Wu2), Yike Li2), and Baowei Li2) 1) Metallurgical and Ecological Engineering School, University of Science and Technology Beijing, Beijing 100083, China 2) Inner Mongolia University of Science and Technology, Baotou 014010, China
摘 要:<正>A new hybrid method, Monte-Carlo-Heat-Flux (MCHF) method, was presented to analyze the radiative heat transfer of participating medium in a three-dimensional rectangular enclosure using combined the Monte-Carlo method with the heat flux method. Its accuracy and reliability was proved by comparing the computational results with exact results from classical "Zone Method".