论文作者:傅小明 刘照文
文章页码:114 - 117
关键词:二水草酸钴; 热分解; 循环氧化还原; CoO
Key words:CoC2O4·2H2O; heat decomposition; circulatory oxidization-reduction; CoO
摘 要:以二水草酸钴为原料,通过二水草酸钴在空气中热分解为CoO,此CoO在纯度为99.999%、露点小于-40℃的氢气中进行还原,CoO还原的钴粉在空气中被氧化为CoO,如此反复进行。利用扫描电子显微镜和激光粒度分析仪对试样进行分析,结果表明,经过三次还原和三次氧化,制备出了粒径分布在5~12μm占92.48%的中颗粒CoO粉末。
Abstract: CoO is prepared with CoC2O4·2H2O in the air.Cobalt powder is obtained with CoO through deoxidation in the hydrogen gas(Rate of purity: 99.99 %,dew point:-40℃),and cobalt powder is oxidized in the air.CoO is reduced into cobalt powder in the hydrogen gas again.The samples are characterized with the laser particle size distribution measuring instrument and the electron probe scan instrument.The results show that medium-sized CoO is obtained through the third circulatory oxidation and the third reduction.The percentage of the particle size distribution of medium-sized CoO is 92.48% between 5 μm and 12 μm.
摘 要:以二水草酸钴为原料,通过二水草酸钴在空气中热分解为CoO,此CoO在纯度为99.999%、露点小于-40℃的氢气中进行还原,CoO还原的钴粉在空气中被氧化为CoO,如此反复进行。利用扫描电子显微镜和激光粒度分析仪对试样进行分析,结果表明,经过三次还原和三次氧化,制备出了粒径分布在5~12μm占92.48%的中颗粒CoO粉末。
关键词:二水草酸钴; 热分解; 循环氧化还原; CoO