论文作者:陈志 高莉
文章页码:6 - 9
关键词:物联网; 射频识别; 信息; 冶金; 自动化
Key words:Internet of Things; RFID; information; metallurgy; automation
摘 要:客观阐述了物联网的概念,分析了物联网的体系结构,并结合冶金工业的特点,较为客观地从冶金工业物资流、设备流和信息流方面介绍了物联网技术的应用。最后,介绍了物联网在钢铁行业中的成功应用案例。基于RFID、GPS、无线数据通信技术和自动化技术的物联网,以其连接万物、智能应用的特点,在钢铁物流管理、设备资产管理和信息流管理中,起到降低成本、提高效率和优化生产流程等作用,应用前景非常广阔。
Abstract: Featuring in metallurgical industrial application,this paper tries to introduce and describe objectively the concept of Internet of Things,its structure and its perspective applications in material flow,equipment flow,and information flow of metallurgical enterprises.Examples of successful application of the Internet of Things in the steel industry are referred to in the last part of the paper.Based on RFID,GPS,wireless data communication and automation technologies,Internet of Things is intrinsically adept in linking every thing together for intelligent applications,and inevitably is expected to play positive role in cost reduction,efficiency enhancement and production processes optimization in material flow,equipment flow,and information flow in metallurgical industry.
摘 要:客观阐述了物联网的概念,分析了物联网的体系结构,并结合冶金工业的特点,较为客观地从冶金工业物资流、设备流和信息流方面介绍了物联网技术的应用。最后,介绍了物联网在钢铁行业中的成功应用案例。基于RFID、GPS、无线数据通信技术和自动化技术的物联网,以其连接万物、智能应用的特点,在钢铁物流管理、设备资产管理和信息流管理中,起到降低成本、提高效率和优化生产流程等作用,应用前景非常广阔。
关键词:物联网; 射频识别; 信息; 冶金; 自动化