J. Cent. South Univ. Technol. (2008) 15: 617-621
DOI: 10.1007/s11771-008-0115-7
Electrochemical behavior of CoCl2 in
ionic liquid 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium hexafluorophosphate
ZHOU Zhou(周 舟), HE De-liang(何德良), CUI Zheng-dan(崔正丹),
ZHONG Jian-fang(钟建芳), LI Guo-xi(李国希)
(State Key Laboratory of Chemo/Biosensing and Chemometrics, Hunan University, Changsha 410082, China)
Abstract: The electrochemical behavior of CoCl2 in 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium hexafluorophosphate ([bmim]PF6) was investigated by cyclic voltammetry. The cyclic voltammograms were obtained from electrochemical measurement under different temperatures, and the reversible behavior for Co2+/Co3+ redox couple on glassy carbon electrode in [bmim]PF6 was confirmed by the characteristic of the peak currents. The diffusion coefficients (about 10-11 m2/s) of Co2+ in [bmim]PF6 under different temperatures were evaluated from the dependence of the peak current density on the potential scan rates in cyclic voltammograms. It is found that the diffusion coefficient increases with increasing temperature. Diffusion activation energy of Co2+ in [bmim]PF6 is also calculated to be 23.4 kJ/mol according to the relationship between diffusion coefficient and temperature.
Key words: CoCl2; electrochemical behavior; ionic liquid; cyclic voltammetry; diffusion coefficient; diffusion activation energy
1 Introduction
Ionic liquids(ILs) are organic melting salts at ambient temperatures[1]. Typically they are comprised of bulky N,N-dialkylimidazolium, quaternary ammoniums, quaternary phosphonium or alkylpyridinium organic cations and a variety of anions such as chloroaluminate (AlCl4-), hexafluorophosphate (PF6-), tetrafluoroborate (BF4-), bis(perfluoromethyl-sulfonyl)imide ((CF3SO2)2- N-). ILs exhibit many excellent physical and chemical properties, for example, low volatility, high electrical conductivity, excellent thermal and electrochemical stability, excellent solubility properties, and they are widely studied in electrochemistry, organic synthesis and other fields[2-5]. In comparison with early chloroaluminate-based ILs, the non-chloroaluminate- based ILs that are stable to moisture can adapt to common atmosphere environment. So the number of publications related to new type ILs grows rapidly in recent years[6-9].
ILs are applied widely for electrochemical investigation as both supporting electrolytes and solvents[10-11]. However, the investigations on basic electrochemical parameters in ILs are limited, and the former work mainly is focused on chloroaluminate-based ILs, for example, Fe[12] and I[13]. Especially, the studies on electrochemical properties and the measurements of electrochemical parameters for metal ions in non- chloroaluminate-based ILs are few[14].
It is significant to investigate the redox of some metal ions in ILs, a new electrolyte environment. ZEIN EL ABEDIN[15] reported the electroreduction of Se, In and Cu in ILs. Electrodeposition of cobalt and different cobalt alloys from ILs was studied in Refs.[16-18], but the major studies were correlative to the reduction of cobalt from chloroaluminate-based ILs. In this work, the electrochemical behavior of Co2+ on glassy carbon electrode was investigated in non-chloroaluminate-based IL i.e. 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium hexafluoropho- sphate ([bmim]PF6). The effects of temperature on diffusion coefficient of Co2+ in [bmim]PF6 were studied by cyclic voltammetry. And diffusion activation energy of Co2+ in [bmim]PF6 was derived from the relationship between diffusion coefficients and temperature.
2 Experimental
[bmim]PF6 was prepared according to Ref.[19]. The equal molar amounts of 1-methylimidazole and chlorobutane were heated and stirred, then hexafluorophosphoric ammonium was added to the resulting viscous liquid. The mixture was allowed to proceed with continuous stirring. The product was washed with redistilled water, and then heated under vacuum for 48 h to control the water content less than 3×10-6, as determined by Karl-Fischer titration. The result of NMR of [bmim]PF6 was the same to that in Ref.[20] without multi-resonance peaks of impurities.
A certain mass of CoCl2·6H2O was dehydrated to turn blue by vacuum drying, and then added into [bmim]PF6 quickly. The concentration of Co2+ was controlled to be 0.03 mol/L. All chemicals were analytical grade. The glass apparatus was washed by dilute nitric acid and redistilled water, and then dried in vacuum.
The electrochemical characteristics of CoCl2 in [bmim]PF6 were investigated in a one-compartment cell by using CHI 660B electrochemical working station (CH Instrument Inc). The working electrode was a 3 mm- diameter glassy carbon disc (CH Instrument Inc). Before the electrochemical measurements, the surface of the working electrode was polished with 0.5 μm alumina powders and then washed with redistilled water, ethanol and acetone. Pt coil was used as the counter electrode. The reference electrode was a self-designed Ag/AgCl electrode. Cyclic voltammograms were scanned at a series of potential scan rates of 0.050, 0.100, 0.200, 0.300, 0.400 and 0.500 V/s. All electrochemical experiments were performed in a nitrogen-filled constant temperature box.
3 Results and discussion
3.1 Cyclic voltammogram of Co2+ in [bmim]PF6
Cyclic voltammgram of pure [bmim]PF6 on glassy carbon electrode is shown in Fig.1(a). It can be found that the electrochemical window of [bmim]PF6 is 3.7 V at 308.15 K, which is in agreement with the result in Ref.[21]. The limits of redox correspond to the decomposition of PF6- and the reduction of [bmim]+. Fig.1(b) shows the cyclic voltammogram of Co2+ in [bmim]PF6 on glassy carbon electrode at 308.15 K. The oxidation peak (0.750 V) and reduction peak (-0.245 V) can be observed obviously when potential scan rate is 0.500 V/s.
Fig.1 Cyclic voltammograms of glassy carbon electrode in [bmim]PF6 at 308.15 K: (a) Pure [bmim]PF6, 0.005 V/s; (b) 0.03 mol/L Co2+ in [bmim]PF6, 0.500 V/s
3.2 Electrochemical oxidation of Co2+ in [bmim]PF6
It is well known that some metal ions, such as Fe2+/Fe3+ and Co2+/Co3+, are reversible redox couples in aqueous solutions. However, the reversibility is greatly affected by the medium[12]. Here, it is necessary to study the reversibility of Co2+/Co3+ redox couple in [bmim]PF6. Cyclic voltammgrams of 0.03 mol/L Co2+ on glassy carbon electrode in [bmim]PF6 were measured at 318.15 K. The results are shown in Fig.2. The potential scan rates are 0.050, 0.100, 0.200, 0.300, 0.400 and 0.500 V/s, respectively. The detailed data at various potential scan rates are listed in Table 1. It can be found that the distance between the anodic and cathodic peak potential is above 59 mV. The anodic peak moves more positively, and the cathodic peak moves negatively when the potential scan rate increases. The potential shift may be attributed to the depressing reversibility of Co2+/Co3+ redox couple and/or ohmic resistance of the ionic liquid [bmim]PF6. Nevertheless, the anodic and cathodic peak currents (Ip, a, Ip,c) are almost symmetrical. The ratios of Ip,a to Ip,c are approximately equal to 1, and Ip,a and Ip,c can fit well with the square root of scan rate (v1/2) to linear relationships (Ra=0.997, Rc=0.991). Therefore, it can be presumed that the Co2+/Co3+ redox couple in [bmim]PF6 is a reversible electrochemical reaction according to Ref.[22].
Fig.2 Cyclic voltammograms of 0.03 mol/L Co2+ in [bmim]PF6 at different potential scan rates and 318.15 K: (a) 0.050 V/s; (b) 0.100 V/s; (c) 0.200 V/s; (d) 0.300 V/s; (e) 0.400 V/s; (f) 0.500 V/s
When the plot of ln[(Ip-I)/I] vs potential(E) is a line, the corresponding oxidation or reduction process is very reversible[23-24], where Ip is the peak current, I is the instantaneous current relevant to potentials. The data of
Table 1 Parameters of cyclic voltammograms of 0.03 mol/L Co2+ in [bmim]PF6 at various potential scan rates and 318.15 K
Ip, I and potential are gained from the cyclic voltammograms in Fig.2 when the scan rate is 0.050 V/s, then the plot of ln[(Ip-I)/I] vs E is made and shown in Fig.3. It is obvious that they can be fitted to a line as Eqn.(1). This also proves that the oxidation of Co2+ in [bmim]PF6 is reversible.
ln[(Ip-I)/I]=16.4-36.0E (R1=0.998) (1)
where R1 is correlation coefficient of the linear fitting.
Fig.3 Linear plot of ln[(Ip-I)/I ] vs potential at 318.15 K and scan rate of 0.050 V/s
3.3 Diffusion coefficient of Co2+ in [bmim]PF6
The relationship between peak current and potential scan rate for reversible electrochemical process accords with the Randles-Sevcik equation:
Ip=0.446 3(nF)3/2(RT)-1/2Ac0D1/2v1/2 (2)
where n is the Faraday constant per mole of substrate electrolyzed; A is the surface area of the electrode; c0 is the bulk concentration of reactant and D is the diffusion coefficient of reactant. The cyclic voltammograms of 0.03 mol/L Co2+ in [bmim]PF6 were measured under different temperatures, and the plots of the anodic peak current vs square root of scan rate are shown in Fig.4. These plots exhibit excellent linear relationship. From the slopes (k) of the fitting line observed between Ip and v1/2, the values of D (the diffusion coefficient of Co2+ in [bmim]PF6) can be calculated and are listed in Table 2. The results are similar to those of Fe3+ in IL[25], but are less than those of Co2+ in dimethylsolfoxide (about 10-9 m2/s)[26]. This may be attributed to the viscosity of the medium and/or the inhibition of electron transfer between the glassy carbon electrode and the redox center due to bulkiness of PF6-. So it is surmised that Co2+ and Co3+ are surrounded by PF6- to form [Co(PF6)n]2-n and [Co(PF6)n]3-n that will transform reciprocally as follows:
[Co(PF6)n]2-n-e=[Co(PF6)n]3-n (3)
Table 2 Diffusion coefficient of Co2+ in [bmim]PF6 at c(Co2+)= 0.03 mol/L and different temperature
Fig.4 Plots of Ip,a vs v1/2 at different temperatures and c(Co2+)= 0.03 mol/L
It can also be found that the diffusion coefficient increases with the increase of temperature. This may be attributed to a decrease in viscosity of solvent ([bmim]PF6) and an increase in kinetic energy of reactant because of temperature rising.
3.4 Diffusion activation energy of Co2+ in [bmim]PF6
The relationship between diffusion coefficient and temperature follows Arrenius law:
D=D0exp[-ED/(RT)] (4)
where D is the diffusion coefficient relevant to T, and D0 is preexponential factor. Eqn.(4) is given below in logarithmic form:
ln D=ln D0-ED/(RT) (5)
A proportional relationship between ln D and 1/T can be observed from Eqn.(5). Fig.5 shows the dependence of ln D on 1/T for 0.03 mol/L Co2+ in [bmim]PF6. This line can be fitted as Eqn.(6) from the data listed in Table 2. The slope (k′) is equal to -ED/R. The value of diffusion activation energy ED of Co2+ in [bmim]PF6 can be calculated to be 23.4 kJ/mol from the slope.
ln D=-2.81/T-15.9, R1=0.995 (6)
Fig.5 Dependence of ln D on 1/T at c(Co2+)=0.03 mol/L
4 Conclusions
1) The electrochemical studies of the Co2+/Co3+ redox couple in [bmim]PF6 are processed. It is confirmed that the oxidation of Co2+ on glassy carbon electrode in [bmim]PF6 is reversible.
2) The diffusion coefficients and diffusion activation energy of Co2+ in [bmim]PF6 are conveniently determined. The diffusion coefficient of about 10-11 m2/s and diffusion activation energy of 23.4 kJ/mol approximate to those of other metal ions in ILs.
3) The results of the research lay the foundation for metal ions’ electrochemical redox behavior in ILs, and supply basic electrochemical parameters for Co2+ in [bmim]PF6. Based on the results, it can be concluded that IL [bmim]PF6 can be used extensively as solvent material for electrochemical investigations.
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(Edited by CHEN Wei-ping)
Foundation item: Project(2005-383) supported by the Scientific Research Foundation for the Returned Overseas Chinese Scholars, Ministry of Education, China
Received date: 2008-03-06; Accepted date: 2008-05-12
Corresponding author: HE De-liang, Professor, PhD; Tel: +86-731-8821449; E-mail: delianghe@163.com