论文作者:任燮康 刘毅
文章页码:247 - 251
关键词:规模收益; 生产可能性曲线; 市场竞争模式
Key words:scale profit; production possibility frontier; market competition mode
摘 要:用数学推导方法论证了规模收益的递增、递减、不变与生产可能性曲线的凹状、凸状和直线状之间的对应关系;得出了完全竞争、垄断竞争、寡头垄断和完全垄断4种市场竞争模式下规模收益变动的规律,为微观经济学的生产理论与市场结构理论之间的联系提供了一个新的结论.
Abstract: This paper proves, with the methodology of mathematical reasoning, the corresponding relationship between the progressive increase, the progressive decrease, the consistancy of scale profit and the concave form the protruding form, the straight line form of production possibility frontier, and presents the law of scale profit variety in the four competition market modes of perfect competition market, monopolistic competition market, oligopoly market and perfect monopoly market. And a new conclusion is put forward in the light of the relations between the production theorem and market construction theorem of micro economics.