

图书来源:二元合金相图及中间相晶体结构 二元合金相图及中间相晶体结构

作 者:唐仁政 田荣璋


定 价:320元




Asymmetry Behaviour between Tension and Compression for Prestrained Materials under Cyclic Loading

Huifen CHAI Zheng RUAN Quncheng FAN Dept.of Materials Science and Engineering,Xi’an Jiaotong University,Xi’an,710049,China

摘 要:<正> The prestrained metals show substantial asymmetry between tension and compression in addition tothe softening under cyclic loading, thus the cyclic creep takes place at a load-control test. The soft-ening reflects the decrease in density of dislocation and total internal stress, and the creep implies theasymmetry in back stress between tension and compression, The mechanical behaviour of the soft-ening is similar for materials with different slip modes, but their features of creep differ significantly.The creep of planar slip Cu-Zn alloy exhibits“explosively”, while that of wavy slip Cu and low car-bon steel occurs continuously and slowly. The explanation of creep behaviour via the internal dislo-cation structure was presented in this paper. According to asymmetw behaviour, it can be concludedthat the internal processes of softehing also strongly depend on the slip mode. In addition, underhigh stress amplitude the opposite asymmetries take place for Cu and Cu-Zn alloy, it indicates thatasymmetric back stresses developed in pretension have been eliminated even though the density andthe configuration of dislocations have not reached equilibrium.


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