

论文作者:胡驾纬 沈骝 梁财 陈晓平 徐贵玲 赵长遂

文章页码:2501 - 2507


Key words:pneumatic conveying; petroleum coke; conveying characteristics; blendings conveying

摘    要:在自主搭建输送压力可达4.0 MPa的高压密相气力输送实验台上分别进行石油焦和无烟煤的输送实验及不同质量配比的石油焦和无烟煤混合输送实验,揭示在不同的总输送差压下粉体物性及操作参数对流动特性和输送稳定性的影响规律。研究结果表明:在相同的输送条件下,相同粒径的石油焦的输送量远小于无烟煤的输送量,且石油焦的输送稳定性比无烟煤的输送稳定性差;保持相同的输送条件,混合物料的输送量和输送稳定性均优于石油焦的输送量和输送稳定性,但比无烟煤的差;随着混合物中无烟煤质量比例的提高,气力输送的输送量增大,但输送稳定性未得到显著提高。

Abstract: Dense-phase pneumatic conveying experiments of the petroleum coke, anthracite and these two kinds of powder blending were carried out at pneumatic conveying system with pressure up to 4.0 MPa. The effects of powder properties and operation parameter on flow characteristics and conveying stability were analyzed and compared. The results show that the petroleum coke has smaller mass flow rate and worse conveying stability than the anthracite with the similar particle size and conveying condition. The conveying characteristics of blendings of the petroleum coke and anthracite improve gradually compared with the petroleum coke. With the increase of mass proportion of the anthracite in the blendings, the mass flow rate increases correspondingly, while the conveying stability almost remains unchanged.

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