论文作者:谭青 钟掘
文章页码:262 - 265
关键词:不平衡响应; 诊断; 振型; 自动定心; 普洛尔法
Key words:unbalance response; diagnosis; vibration type; auto--centering; Prohl Method
摘 要:研究了对风机转子进行不平衡响应计算 的意义、方法与程序,并以某炼铁厂D900风机为例进行计算,解决了计算过程中出现的数值不稳定问题,得出6种典型不平衡工况的振动响应(振型图).根据 这一结果,研究了振动的数量级、振型及振型与自动定心现象之间的关系.最后,结合现行振动标准研究了设备强度校核方面问题,提出一种基于振型分析的振动最大值估算法,这对提高简易诊断法的准确性具有一定的工程意义.
Abstract: The paper attempts to analyze the point and method for calculating unbalance response of fan rotator, and according to Prohl Method, make a calculating program for D900 model fan of an iron plant. Various typical unbalance responses are analyzed (including vibration type and amplitude in case of unbalance of force and couple of force). By using the principle of superposition and auto-centering, some appearances of calculation result are rationally interpreted. And the reliability of the calculation is verified. It is a difficult point in the diagnosis field to determine limitation value of operating condition. For D900 model fan, this paper compares the present vibration standard and unbalance standard and discusses their difference. As a result, we put. forward a method which can be used for estimating the maximum amplitude of the rotator by its vibration type chart, it is valuable to improve the method of simple diagnosis.