


论文作者:李立清 石瑞 顾庆伟 梁鑫 姚小龙 马卫武

文章页码:1701 - 1707


Key words:modified activated carbon; surface groups; pore structure; adsorption; adsorption energy

摘    要:为探讨改性活性炭吸附有机气体性能的影响,商业活性炭分别经过1 mol/L的硝酸、盐酸、硫酸,600,700和800 ℃处理。通过Boehm滴定、傅式转换红外光谱(FTIR)、比表面积分析仪对活性炭样品的物化性质进行测试。以二氯乙烷为吸附质进行吸附实验研究,结果表明:酸改性样品的表面酸性官能团数量增加,热改性样品的表面碱性官能团数量增加;热改性比酸改性更有效的优化活性炭的孔结构;增大活性炭的理论有效孔容是提高二氯乙烷吸附量的有效途径,表面官能团的增加可以促进活性炭对二氯乙烷的吸附作用。

Abstract: To study the adsorption characteristics of organic vapor on modified activated carbon, commercial activated carbon was treated separately with 1 mol/L nitric acid, 1 mol/L sulfuric acid, 1 mol/L hydrochloric acid at 600, 700 and 800 ℃. Physicochemical properties of these modified activated carbons were described by Boehm titration; Fourier transformed infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) and BET surface area measurement. The adsorption experiments were conducted with 2-dichloroethane acting as adsorbate. The results show that the total amount of acid groups increase after acid modification, while the amount of basic groups increases after heating modification; heating modification is more effective than acid modification for optimizing pore structure of activated carbon; increasing the effective pore volume is an effective way to improve adsorption capacity of 2-dichloroethane, while raising the surface functional groups can stimulate absorption effect of 2-dichloroethane.




(中南大学 能源科学与工程学院,湖南 长沙,410083)

摘 要:为探讨改性活性炭吸附有机气体性能的影响,商业活性炭分别经过1 mol/L的硝酸、盐酸、硫酸,600,700和800 ℃处理。通过Boehm滴定、傅式转换红外光谱(FTIR)、比表面积分析仪对活性炭样品的物化性质进行测试。以二氯乙烷为吸附质进行吸附实验研究,结果表明:酸改性样品的表面酸性官能团数量增加,热改性样品的表面碱性官能团数量增加;热改性比酸改性更有效的优化活性炭的孔结构;增大活性炭的理论有效孔容是提高二氯乙烷吸附量的有效途径,表面官能团的增加可以促进活性炭对二氯乙烷的吸附作用。


Adsorption properties of modified activated carbon for 2-dichloroethane

LI Liqing, SHI Rui, GU Qingwei, LIANG Xin, YAO Xiaolong, Ma Weiwu

(School of Energy Science and Engineering, Central South University, Changsha 410083, China)

Abstract:To study the adsorption characteristics of organic vapor on modified activated carbon, commercial activated carbon was treated separately with 1 mol/L nitric acid, 1 mol/L sulfuric acid, 1 mol/L hydrochloric acid at 600, 700 and 800 ℃. Physicochemical properties of these modified activated carbons were described by Boehm titration; Fourier transformed infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) and BET surface area measurement. The adsorption experiments were conducted with 2-dichloroethane acting as adsorbate. The results show that the total amount of acid groups increase after acid modification, while the amount of basic groups increases after heating modification; heating modification is more effective than acid modification for optimizing pore structure of activated carbon; increasing the effective pore volume is an effective way to improve adsorption capacity of 2-dichloroethane, while raising the surface functional groups can stimulate absorption effect of 2-dichloroethane.

Key words:modified activated carbon; surface groups; pore structure; adsorption; adsorption energy

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