High-speed corner detection based on fuzzy ID3 decision tree


论文作者:段汝娇 赵伟 黄松岭 郝宽胜

文章页码:2528 - 2533

Key words:corner detector; fuzzy ID3 algorithm; decision tree; computation efficiency; real-time

Abstract: A high-speed corner detection algorithm based on fuzzy ID3 decision tree was proposed. In the algorithm, the Bresenham circle with 3-pixel radius was used as the test mask, overlapping the candidate corners with the nucleus. Connected pixels on the circle were applied to compare the intensity value with the nucleus, with the membership function used to give the fuzzy result. The pixel with maximum information gain was chosen as the parent node to build a binary decision tree. Thus, the corner detector was derived. The pictures taken in Fengtai Railway Station in Beijing were used to test the method. The experimental results show that when the number of pixels on the test mask is chosen to be 9, best result can be obtained. The corner detector significantly outperforms existing detector in computational efficiency without sacrificing the quality and the method also provides high performance against Poisson noise and Gaussian blur.

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