文章页码:65 - 73
摘 要:本文专门论述鼓筒式电选机电极的结构,提出应按照矿物通过电场作用区域的时间来设计电极的结构,以满足于使矿粒达到Qm。时间应大于0.1秒,而小于0.1秒及鼓径太小都不利于分选。据此作者提出的电极形式适应性较好,并在白钨锡石等矿物的分选中获得了良好的效果。
Abstract: This paper discusses the construction of ion electrode of high the tensionseparator(drum type)The author suggests that in ion electrode the time whichthe particles pass through the field must be considered.It is of importancefor the mineral parficles to gain QM,and the time must be longer than 1/10second.We can not get favorable results if the time is shorter than 1/10second and the diameter of the drum is too small.On the basis of the aboveidea the ion electrode designed by the author is corresponding to separatedifferent minerds,and got good results to separate scheelite and cassiteriteand beach sands.