文章页码:383 - 386
关键词:计算机辅助教学; 多媒体; 媒体控制对象; VisualBasic
Key words:computer aided instruction; multimedia; animated button control and timer; Visual Basic
摘 要:多媒体技术具有图文声并茂以及活动影像的特点,用于计算机辅助教学软件可提供理想的教学环境.作者对计算机辅助教学软件的多媒体功能设计进行了论述,研究了利用VB的控件移动、对象属性修改、动画制作按钮以及计时器等技术实现动画操作、图形移动、图形自动隐现的过程,对用VB媒体控制对象实现程序音乐播放功能的方法进行了探讨.
Abstract: The glamour of multimedia technology lies in its ability to present a moving image with a combination of picture, sound and text. Therefore, it provides an ideal teaching environment when used in CAI software. In this paper, design of multimedia function of CAI courseware is presented. It discusses implemetation technology of multimedia function with control move, modifying object properties, animated button control and timer of VB, including animation, moving image and automatic image wraparound. Method to play song with MCI of VB is given.