论文作者:申群太 林卫中
文章页码:345 - 348
关键词:超前相控; 滞后相控; 并联运行; 负载特性
Key words:phase-lead control; phase-delay control; parallel operation; load performance
摘 要:论述了晶闸管变流装置超前相控和滞后相控运行的负载特性,并根据超前相控变流装置与滞后相控变流装置并联运行的特征,提出了最佳配合的参数整定方法.
Abstract: This paper describes the load performance on thyristor converter with phase-lead and phase-delay controls.Based on analyzing the special property about the parallel operation of the converter with phase-lead and phase-delay controls,tea optimal parameter adjustment has been raised.