文章页码:398 - 404
关键词:串联时滞对象; 脉冲响应辨识; 自校正PID; 自适应Smith预估器
Key words:the cascade time-delay plant; weighting function identification; self-tuning PID; self-adapting Smith predictor
摘 要:本文针对多区两级时滞加热炉对象,提出一种双闭环自适应控制算法.内环通过在线辨识第一级对象的脉冲响应序列,间接得出对象参数,用于实时修改内环PID调节器及Smith补偿器参数;外环采用非线性PI补偿控制,能保证第一级对象反应的快速性及稳定性,第二级对象动态响应性能好稳态精度高.
Abstract: In this paper,a double closed-loops adapting control algorithm for the cascade time-delay plants has been proposed.The inner loop plant parameters are indirectly obtained by identifying the weighting function of the plant;the parameters of the inner loop PID controller and Smith predictor are revised with the identified plant′s parameters.The outer loop applies nonlinear PI compensation control.This design has used the temperature control of the 31 mglowing furnace.Operation results indicated that the methods possess satisfactory dynamic and steady performance.