论文作者:黄伯云 张兵 曲选辉 雷长明
文章页码:496 - 499
关键词:金属间化合物; 显微组织; 力学性能; 粉末冶金
Key words:intermetallics; microstructure; mechanical properties; powder metallurgy
摘 要:本文设计了一种制备 Ti-48A1-2Cr-2Nb(at%)合金的粉末冶金方法。首先采用非自耗电弧熔炼炉炼制出较脆的富铝 Ti-54 A1-2.25 Cr-2.25 Nb(at%)合金,然后机械破碎成—200目的粉末。在合金粉末中按比例加入—200目Ti粉,调到所需成分。混合粉末首先经CIP成形,然后经HIP固结成致密体。后续热处理使成分均匀和获得理想的微观组织。本文还重点研究了后续热处理工艺对合金的微观组织与力学性能影响。
Abstract: A powder metallurgical process to produce Ti-48Al-2Cr-2Nb(at%) alloy has been developed. A morebrittle Al-rich Ti-54Al-2.25Cr-2.25Nb at% alloy was prepared by non-consumable electrode arcmeltingtechnique and then mechanically pulverized into powders of -200 mesh. The pulverized Al-rich alloy pow-ders were randomly mixed with some elemental titanium powders to reach the designed composition. Themixture was firstly precompacted by cold isostatic pressing (CIP) and then hot is ostatically pressed (HIP)to full density. Subsequent heat treatments were applied to achieve chemical homogenity and desirable microstructures. The emphasis was placed on the effects of subsequent heat-treatment on the microstructuresand mechanical properties of the sintered Ti-Al base alloy.