论文作者:李隆峰 吴亨魁 胡为柏
文章页码:96 - 97
关键词:天然高分子絮凝剂; 细粒赤铁矿; 絮凝作用; 调整剂; 石青; 絮凝试验; 花粉; 胶粉; 试验方法; 用量
摘 要:几种天然高分子絮凝剂(石青粉、棉粉、泡花粉、香胶粉、白粉)和3#絮凝剂对湖南某细粒赤铁矿的试验表明,它们均有絮凝作用。棉粉的用量为石青粉的五分之一时,两者效果相当。3#絮凝剂与适当的调整剂配合对细粒赤铁矿有选择絮凝作用。
Abstract: Some natural high-polyer flocculants (Shiging powder, Mian powder, Ba-hua powder, Xiangjiao powder, and Bai powder) and 3# flocfulant for Hunanfine hematite ore are tested. It has been shown that all of them have floccu-lation effects. The effects are equivalent while the addition of Mian powderis one fifth of shiging powder when the 3# flocculant is combined with sui-table modifiers, it has selecfive flocculation effect for fine hematite ore.