


论文作者:王殿江 鲁凡

文章页码:384 - 387


Key words:diamond; diameter; statistical geometric model

摘    要:单位质量金刚石晶粒数是计算金刚石工具结构和特征参数的一个必不可少的基本参数,目前尚无准确可靠的计算该参数的公式或推荐值.根据有关金刚石颗粒粒度分布的国家标准GB6401.1—86,提出并界定了简化粒径d=(90d01+10d02)/100 (mm),其特点是代表性好,计算简便,且无需产品中各粒群的实际质量分数.通过建立正六八面体金刚石晶型几何统计模型,推导出了简便易行的单位质量金刚石晶粒数计算式Z=341/d3(粒/g).经手工计数统计法验证,误差较小(±0.63%~5.31%),能满足实际工作需要.对于不同品级或不同杂质含量的产品,单位质量金刚石晶粒数Z值亦有变化,可采用在公式中增加经验修正系数的方法解决.

Abstract: Diamond grain number per gram is an indispensable parameter for researchers, designers and endusers to calculate the structural and characteristic parameters of diamond tool. Unfortunately, reliable formulae calculating this parameter or accurate propositional parameters are not available. Based on the Chinese standard on diamond grain size distribution GB6401.1—86, the simplified diameter of diamond graind=(90d01+10d02)/100 (mm) is defined and clarified, which is characterized in highly representative and convenient for calculating and avoids the practical product mass distribution of diamond grain groups. By setting up the statistical geometric model of diamond crystal—ortho-cubo-octahedra, a simple and reliable formulaZ=341/d3(st/g) calculating the diamond grain number per gram is put forward, which has been verified by hand-counting method and the precision of the formula is satisfactory (±0.63%~5.31%) and meets the practical needs. For the products of different amount of impurity or different rank, the diamond grain number per gram is also diverse, but the problem can be solved by adding empirical adjustive coefficient in the calculating formula.



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