Effect of Sn substitution and heat treatment on microstructure and microhardness of Co38Ni34Al28-xSnx magnetic shape memory alloys


论文作者:苏佳佳 谢致薇 杨元政

文章页码:2158 - 2163


Key words:magnetic shape memory alloy; Sn substitution; Co-Ni-Al alloy; microstructure; martensitic transformation

摘    要:在Co38Ni34Al28合金体系中添加Sn,研究Sn含量及不同的热处理温度(1373 K,1473 K,1573 K)下,保温2 h对Co38Ni34Al28-xSnx(x=1,2,3)合金显微组织和硬度的影响。结果表明,添加适量的Sn使合金中γ相组织减少;在1573 K保温2 h后,在室温下获得部分马氏体组织;当Sn替代2%Al时,其显微组织中马氏体组织的比例较高。随着Sn含量的增多和热处理温度的升高,合金的硬度也随着增大。另外,合金马氏体的逆相变温度在Sn含量为1%和2%时升高,在Sn含量为3%时反而降低。

Abstract: Sn was used to replace Al in Co38Ni34Al28 alloy. The microstructure and microhardness of Co38Ni34Al28-xSnx (x=0, 1, 2, 3) magnetic shape memory alloys were investigated at different heat treatment temperatures (1373 K, 1473 K, and 1573 K) for 2 h. The results show that more Sn substitution reduces the content of γ-phase and a partial phase of martensite can be obtained in Co38Ni34Al28-xSnx (x=1, 2, 3) alloys after treatment at 1573 K for 2 h. The maximum martensite phase appears when 2% Al is substituted by Sn. The reverse martensitic transformation temperature of Co38Ni34Al28-xSnx alloys increases at x=1 and 2, then decreases as x=3. As the content of Sn and the temperature increase, the microhardness will increase.


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