Fushun Steel Plant
文章页码:373 - 375
摘 要:<正> Fushun Steel Plant is situated at thewestern part of Fushun city, Liaoning Pro-vince, 45 km from Shenyang. It is one ofthe major special steel plants in China.Established in 1937, Fushun Steel Planthas had a history of more than half century.Before 1948 it was a small-scale plant.From 1937 to 1948 the total steel productionwas only 58000 t. After foundation of PRCthere have been two stages of reconstruction;after the 1st stage (1958 to 1962) the plantbecame the first production base of su-peralloy and stainless steel in China: from1978 to 1983 (second stage) five sets oflarge advanced melting and hot workingequipment and ten sets of measurement
摘 要:<正> Fushun Steel Plant is situated at thewestern part of Fushun city, Liaoning Pro-vince, 45 km from Shenyang. It is one ofthe major special steel plants in China.Established in 1937, Fushun Steel Planthas had a history of more than half century.Before 1948 it was a small-scale plant.From 1937 to 1948 the total steel productionwas only 58000 t. After foundation of PRCthere have been two stages of reconstruction;after the 1st stage (1958 to 1962) the plantbecame the first production base of su-peralloy and stainless steel in China: from1978 to 1983 (second stage) five sets oflarge advanced melting and hot workingequipment and ten sets of measurement