


论文作者:方正 张全茹

文章页码:456 - 466

关键词:氧位; 气体平衡; CO2; H2O(g); CO2—CO; Ellingham图

Key words:oxygen potential; gas equilibrium; CO2; H2O(g); CO2-CO; Ellingham diagram

摘    要:本文导出CO2,H2O(g)以及CO2-CO混合气体氧位新的表征式。经典表征式是本表征式在氧含量为零时的特例。对影响平衡气氛的因素进行了讨论,指出,对中低温下CO2和H2O(g)的分解,忽略氧含量将造成平衡气氛极大的表征误差。本文评论了以CO2及CO2-CO混合气体控制氧位的某些实验,给出了CO2作为固体电解质参比气体时应给出的氧含量校正,并推广Ellinggam图应用于CO2和H2O(g)分解所建立的平衡反应。

Abstract: A new set of formulae representing the oxygen potentials of CO2, H2O(g) and CO2-CO gasmixtures has been derived. Classical representation is only a particular case of it. Some of thevariables affecting equilibrium atmospheres have been discussed. To initial CO2 or H2O(g), theneglect of trace oxygen in them would cause the larger representative errors of the equilibrimpressures of oxygen, especially at the range of lower and middle temperatures. Some of theprevious experiments under the oxygen potentials controlled by CO2 or CO2-CO gas mixtureshave been criticized. Calibration curves for the oxygen concentration in liquid steel as a functionof EMF when using CO2 as a reference of solid electrolyte cell were given. And application ofEllingham diagram was extended to pure CO2, pure H20(g) and CO2 and H2O(g) containing microoxygen.



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