Fundamental study on utilization of tin and zinc-bearing iron concentrate by selective chlorination


论文作者:姜涛 张元波 黄柱成 李光辉 郭宇峰 杨永斌 金勇士

文章页码:902 - 907

Key words:selective chlorination; comprehensive recovery; tin; zinc; complex iron ore

Abstract: The feasibility and technologies of comprehensive recovery of tin, zinc, arsenic and iron from the complex iron ores by selective chlorination roasting were studied by thermodynamic analysis and roasting experiments. Investigation shows that the product pellets with the compression strength of 2625N/P, the tumble index of 97.26%, the abrasion index of 1.35%, tin, arsenic and zinc residue of 0.043%, 0.046% and 0.058% respectively can be achieved if balling a concentrate containing 0.39% tin, 0.40% arsenic and 0.28% with addition of 8% coke breeze and 0.5% CaCl2 and roasting the pellets at 1060-1080℃ for 40min. The volatilization of tin, arsenic and zinc is 91.75%, 93.42% and 81.12% respectively. The performances of the product pellets are able to meet the requirements of blast furnace ironmaking.

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