论文作者:付和生 刘亚平
文章页码:47 - 49
关键词:铜矿; 浮选; 磨矿细度; 流程改造; 药剂制度
Key words:copper mine; flotation; milled particle fineness; process reform; reagent administration
摘 要:针对卢安夏铜矿原有浮选工艺中存在的问题进行工艺改造。采用调整磨矿细度、改造浮选工艺流程、改变工艺参数及药剂制度等措施,在原矿含铜1.30%、含钴0.105%的情况下,铜回收率由90.75%提高到93.43%,铜精矿品位由16.88%提高到21.04%,钴精矿品位由0.90%提高到1.12%,提高了选矿技术指标。
Abstract: The flotation process to improve the initial one of LCM copper mine was introduced.Under the condition of 1.3% copper feed grade and 0.105% cobalt grade,with the application of a series of measures including adjusting the particle fineness of milling ore,reforming the flotation process,adjusting process parameters and improving reagent system,the copper recovery was improved from 90.75% to 93.43%,the grade of copper concentrate was raised from 16.88% to 21.04% and that of cobalt concentrate was raised from 0.9% to 1.12%.As a result,all flotation technical parameters were improved.
摘 要:针对卢安夏铜矿原有浮选工艺中存在的问题进行工艺改造。采用调整磨矿细度、改造浮选工艺流程、改变工艺参数及药剂制度等措施,在原矿含铜1.30%、含钴0.105%的情况下,铜回收率由90.75%提高到93.43%,铜精矿品位由16.88%提高到21.04%,钴精矿品位由0.90%提高到1.12%,提高了选矿技术指标。
关键词:铜矿; 浮选; 磨矿细度; 流程改造; 药剂制度