来源期刊:Journal Of Wuhan University Of Technology Materials Science Edition1990年第2期
论文作者:孙承绪 谢建民
文章页码:61 - 65
摘 要:<正> The article puts forward a kind of reasonablescientific method of energy analysis - the energymethod of analysis. Some accurate results of theenergy analysis have been provided. The articalmakes the energy balance to the glass tank furnacewith the energy method. The auther makes a de-tailed study on the calculation way in which manyitems of the energy balance in glass tank furnaceare concerned. The article gives an energy ana-lysis to end-port flame tank furnace and makes anenergy balance. The energy method can show thequality use of energy which can not be shown in theheat method analysis. The energy method tells usthat the most of energy loses in the irreversibleprocess.
摘 要:<正> The article puts forward a kind of reasonablescientific method of energy analysis - the energymethod of analysis. Some accurate results of theenergy analysis have been provided. The articalmakes the energy balance to the glass tank furnacewith the energy method. The auther makes a de-tailed study on the calculation way in which manyitems of the energy balance in glass tank furnaceare concerned. The article gives an energy ana-lysis to end-port flame tank furnace and makes anenergy balance. The energy method can show thequality use of energy which can not be shown in theheat method analysis. The energy method tells usthat the most of energy loses in the irreversibleprocess.