Extraction of Cd and Pb from contaminated-paddy soil with EDTA, DTPA, citric acid and FeCl3 and effects on soil fertility


论文作者:郭朝晖 梁芳 门姝慧 肖细元 彭驰 WU Long-hua(吴龙华) Peter CHRISTIE

文章页码:2987 - 2997

Key words:contaminated paddy soil; soil washing; potentially toxic metals; speciation; soil fertility

Abstract: Potentially toxic metals, Cd and Pb in paddy soil, have important meanings for safety of rice. A comparison extraction of Cd and Pb with EDTA, DTPA, citric acid, and FeCl3 and effects on soil fertility was studied. Results indicate that about 59% and 63% of soil Cd and Pb were simultaneously removed by 10 g/L EDTA at pH 5 with a soil/extractant ratio of 1:10 (W/V) for 30 min while 52% and 51% by 5 g/L DTPA. Acid extractable and reducible Cd by EDTA and DTPA contributed 58% and 53% of the removals and acid extractable and reducible Pb were about 49% and 41%, respectively. Slight changes of soil fertility, including pH, cation exchange capacity, organic matter, and soil extractable phosphorus, were observed. Extractions of citric acid and ferric chloride, however, were only efficient for Cd and the soil pH was decreased significantly. This study suggests that EDTA and DTPA can be considered as suitable agents to clean up the paddy soils contaminated with potentially toxic metals.

Cite this article as: LIANG Fang, GUO Zhao-hui, MEN Shu-hui, XIAO Xi-yuan, PENG Chi, WU Long-hua, Peter CHRISTIE. Extraction of Cd and Pb from contaminated-paddy soil with EDTA, DTPA, citric acid and FeCl3 and effects on soil fertility [J]. Journal of Central South University, 2019, 26(11): 2987-2997. DOI: https://doi.org/ 10.1007/s11771-019-4230-4.

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