文章页码:59 - 61
Key words:Ni-Mn powder catalyst; cubic high pressure apparatus; advanced diamond; synthesis
摘 要:制备了Ni-Mn急冷粉末触媒,对其组织结构进行了分析.以该粉末触媒为原料,采用二步升压工艺,在国产六面顶压机上实现了优质金刚石的高温高压合成,其合成单产为 1.42g,峰值粒度在250~300μm之间.该结果对增加六面顶压机用触媒材料形态的认识具有一定的促进意义.
Abstract: The manufacture and microstructure of the Ni-Mn Rapid Solidified Powder Catalyst were inverstigated. Using this powder catalyst, high-quality diamonds were synthesized with cubic high pressure apparatus by two-steps increasing pressure process, the synthesis diamond outuput each time reached 1.42 g, and the particle size of diamond was between 250 to 300 μm in the diameter of 18 mm synthesis cavity. The result is useful for understanding the powder catalyst applied to cubic high pressure apparatus.