论文作者:王志忠 朱建军
文章页码:30 - 34
Key words:universal formula; variance component; robust estimation; influence function
摘 要:由概括函数模型出发,将正交补似然函数展开成级数形式,并且证明了由正交补似然函数和它的级数形式求得的方差估计是一致的.在此基础上,给出了方差分量抗差估计的通用公式和相应的影响函数;由此可推出各种平差函数模型的抗差估计公式和影响函数.
Abstract: Starting from the general functional model, the orthogonal complement likelihood function is expanded into a Taylor series up to the first order. The remainder term of the Taylor series is shown to be zero under certain conditions so that the series is exact under these conditions. Based on this, the estimate and the robust estimate of the variance components are derived and corresponding influence functions are obtained, which can be applied to all least square adjustment models.