
Impact of Yb3+/Er3+ ions on crystallization of phosphosilicate glass melts


论文作者:P.S.Sahoo 刘树江 曹万强 赵萍

文章页码:189 - 194

摘    要:Transparent glass ceramics were prepared from the phosphosilicate system by melt-quenching devitrification(MQD) method, i.e., nanocrystals spontaneously form during cooling of the melts. Introduction of 2.5 wt.% Yb2O3 and 0.5 wt.% Er2O3 into the glass melt induced the change of type and concentration of crystals. The comparison of rheological and thermodynamic properties of both undoped and Yb3+/Er3+ doped melts showed that addition of Yb3+/Er3+ oxides caused increase of liquid fragility, and degree of medium-range order. In addition, the thermodynamic barriers for nucleation ΔG* as a function of reduced temperature T/Tm were calculated with an assumption of wetting angle θ=90o, Yb3+/Er3+ doped melt tended to firstly nucleate as compared to undoped melt at small undercooling.


Impact of Yb3+/Er3+ ions on crystallization of phosphosilicate glass melts


1. Key Laboratory of Processing and Testing Technology of Glass & Functional Ceramics of Shandong Province, Qilu University of Technology2. Hubei Collaborative Innovation Center for Advanced Organic Chemical Materials, School of Materials Science and Engineering, Hubei University

摘 要:Transparent glass ceramics were prepared from the phosphosilicate system by melt-quenching devitrification(MQD) method, i.e., nanocrystals spontaneously form during cooling of the melts. Introduction of 2.5 wt.% Yb2O3 and 0.5 wt.% Er2O3 into the glass melt induced the change of type and concentration of crystals. The comparison of rheological and thermodynamic properties of both undoped and Yb3+/Er3+ doped melts showed that addition of Yb3+/Er3+ oxides caused increase of liquid fragility, and degree of medium-range order. In addition, the thermodynamic barriers for nucleation ΔG* as a function of reduced temperature T/Tm were calculated with an assumption of wetting angle θ=90o, Yb3+/Er3+ doped melt tended to firstly nucleate as compared to undoped melt at small undercooling.


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