

论文作者:秦红禧 LIU Wen-shuo(刘文硕) 戴公连

文章页码:627 - 634


Key words:track-bridge interaction; bearing friction; long-span bridge; continuous welded rail; longitudinal additional force

摘    要:为了研究支座摩阻力对大跨度桥梁-轨道系统相互作用的影响,以高速铁路线上某大跨度钢桁拱桥为研究对象,建立钢轨-桥梁-墩台-基础一体化有限元模型,采用非线性弹簧模拟滑移支座,对计入支座摩阻效应前后、不同类型扣件下桥梁-轨道系统的各种纵向附加力开展对比研究。研究结果表明:滑移支座摩阻力对大跨度桥梁-轨道系统的伸缩附加力和断轨附加力有较大影响。计入支座摩阻效应后,钢轨的各项附加应力有所减小,各墩台附加水平力显著增加。随着摩阻系数μ增大,墩台附加力呈不断增大趋势,而钢轨附加应力和钢轨断缝值则趋于减小。采用普通扣件下摩阻系数为0.03,0.05和0.10时,钢轨最大伸缩应力分别为不计摩阻力时的92.7%,87.3%和71.8%,而固定墩墩顶附加力分别增大至2.1倍、2.8倍和4.4倍。计入支座摩阻力后,在不同摩擦因数下,采用小阻力扣件的钢轨附加应力与墩台附加水平力较普通扣件工况下差别不大,但断缝值均增大约20%。

Abstract: To investigate the influence of friction effect of sliding bearing on the interaction between the continuous welded rail (CWR) and the long-span bridge, taking a long-span steel-truss arch bridge in high-speed railway as research object, an integrative spatial model of track-bridge-pier-foundation system was established. Adopting the nonlinear spring element simulating the sliding bearings, the various longitudinal additional forces between long-span bridge and CWR considering the friction effect or not were compared. The results indicate that the friction effect should be considered in the analysis of the long-span railway bridge-track system, which has an apparent influence on the additional expansion forces and rail-broken forces. Considering the friction effect, with the increase of the friction coefficient, the various additional forces of rail and the rail-broken gap decrease, while the additional forces of piers increase evidently. In the case of using common fasteners, compared with no friction(μ=0), the maximum additional expansion stress of rail reduces to 92.7%, 87.3% and 71.8% corresponding to the friction coefficient of 0.03, 0.05 and 0.10, while the force of the fixed pier increases to 2.1, 2.8 and 4.4 times. In addition, adopting small resistance fasteners, the additional forces of rail and piers have a little difference from the results of common fasteners, while the rail-broken gap generally increases by about 20%.

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