Modified electromagnetism-like algorithm and its application to slope stability analysis


论文作者:张科 曹平

文章页码:2100 - 2107

Key words:slope stability; hybrid optimization algorithm; complex method; electromagnetism-like algorithm; predatory search strategy


In the view of the disadvantages of complex method (CM) and electromagnetism-like algorithm (EM), complex electromagnetism-like hybrid algorithm (CEM) was proposed by embedding complex method into electromagnetism-like algorithm as local optimization algorithm. CEM was adopted to search the minimum safety factor in slope stability analysis and the results show that CEM holds advantages over EM and CM. It combines the merits of two and is more stable and efficient. For further improvement, two CEM hybrid algorithms based on predatory search (PS) strategies were proposed, both of which consist of modified algorithms and the search area of which is dynamically adjusted by changing restriction. The CEM-PS1 adopts theoretical framework of original predatory search strategy. The CEM-PS2 employs the idea of area-restricted search learned from predatory search strategy, but the algorithm structure is simpler. Both the CEM-PS1 and CEM-PS2 have been demonstrated more effective and efficient than the others. As for complex method which locates in hybrid algorithm, the optimization can be achieved at a convergence precision of 1×10-3, which is recommended to use.


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