
Polyaniline-graphite composite film glucose oxidase electrode


论文作者:周海晖 陈宏 陈金华 旷亚非

文章页码:653 - 657

Key words:polyaniline;graphite;composite film;glucose oxidase;biosensor

Abstract: A novel polyaniline-graphite composite film glucose oxidase(PGCF GOD)electrode was developed.The PGCF was synthesized by cyclic voltammetry method in 0.5 mol/L H2SO4 solution containing 1 g/L graphite powder and 0.2 mol/L aniline.The PGCF GOD electrode was prepared by doping GOD into the composite film.The morphology of the PGCF and the response property of the PGCF GOD electrode were investigated by scanning electron microscopy and electrochemical measurement,respectively.The results show that the PGCF has a porous and netty structure and the PGCF GOD electrode has excellent response property such as high sensitivity and short response time.Influences of pH value,temperature,glucose concentration and potential on the response current of the electrode were also discussed.The sensor has a maximum steady-state current density of 357.17μA/cm2 and an apparent Michaelis-Menten constant of 16.57 mmol/L.The maximum current response of the enzyme electrode occurs under the condition of pH 5.5,0.8 V and 65℃.


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