文章页码:107 - 115
关键词:矿岩; 力学特性; 松散矿石; 松散介质力学; 采矿方法; 无底柱分段崩落法; 崩落矿石; 放矿力学; 自然安息角; 物理力学性质
摘 要:本文用变形体力学研究了松散矿石放出过程中的变形及变形特点,不同放出条件下塑性变形区的发展状况,同时完善了流动的松散矿石的运动状态方程。这些研究将为进一步研究放矿力学打下理论基础。
Abstract: The deformation of granular ores during the process of gravity flow andthe characteristics of deformation are treated in this paper.The developmentof the plastic area under different eonditions of gravity flow has perfectedthe motion state equation of mobile granular ores which lays the theoreticalfoundation for further studies.