
Coordinated and uncoordinated design of LFO damping controllers with IPFC and PSS using ICA and SFLA


论文作者:Mahdi Toupchi Khosroshahi Farhad Mohajel Kazemi Mohammad Reza Jannati Oskuee Sajad Najafi-Ravadanegh

文章页码:3418 - 3426

Key words:interline power flow controller (IPFC); controller; imperialist competitive optimization algorithm; power system stabilizer (PSS)

Abstract: a single machine-infinite-bus (SMIB) system including the interline power flow controllers (IPFCs) and the power system stabilizer (PSS) controller is addressed. The linearized system model is considered for investigating the interactions among IPFC and PSS controllers. To improve the stability of whole system again different disturbances, a lead-lag controller is considered to produce supplementary signal. The proposed supplementary controller is implemented to improve the damping of the power system low frequency oscillations (LFOs). Imperialist optimization algorithm (ICA) and shuffled frog leaping algorithm (SFLA) are implemented to search for optimal supplementary controllers and PSS parameters. Moreover, singular value decomposition (SVD) method is utilized to select the most effective damping control signal of IPFC lead-lag controllers. To evaluate the system performance, different operating conditions are considered. Reponses of system in five modes including uncoordinated and coordinated modes of IPFC and PSS using ICA and SFLA are studied and compared. Considering the results, response of system without controller shows the highest overshoot and the longest settling time for rotor angel at the different operating conditions. In this mode of system, rotor speed has the highest overshoot. Rotor angel in the system with only PSS includes lower overshoot and oscillation than system without controller. When PSS is only implemented, rotor speed deviation has the longest settling time. Rotor speed deviation in the uncoordinated mode of IPFC and PSS shows lower overshoot than system with only PSS and without controller. It is noticeable that in this mode, rotor angel has higher overshoot than system with only PSS. The superiority of the suggested ICA-based coordinated controllers is obvious compared with SFLA-based coordinated controllers and other system modes. Responses of coordinated PSS and IPFC SFLA-based supplementary controllers include higher peak amplitude and longer settling time compared with coordinated IPFC and PSS ICA-based controllers. This comparison shows that overshoots, undershoots and the settling times are reduced considerably in coordinated mode of IPFC based controller and PSS using ICA. Analysis of the system performance shows that the proposed method has excellent response to different faults in power system.


Coordinated and uncoordinated design of LFO damping controllers with IPFC and PSS using ICA and SFLA

Mahdi Toupchi Khosroshahi, Farhad Mohajel Kazemi, Mohammad Reza Jannati Oskuee, Sajad Najafi-Ravadanegh

(Smart Distribution Grid Research Lab., Electrical Engineering Department,
Azarbaijan Shahid Madani University, Tabriz, Iran)

Abstract:a single machine-infinite-bus (SMIB) system including the interline power flow controllers (IPFCs) and the power system stabilizer (PSS) controller is addressed. The linearized system model is considered for investigating the interactions among IPFC and PSS controllers. To improve the stability of whole system again different disturbances, a lead-lag controller is considered to produce supplementary signal. The proposed supplementary controller is implemented to improve the damping of the power system low frequency oscillations (LFOs). Imperialist optimization algorithm (ICA) and shuffled frog leaping algorithm (SFLA) are implemented to search for optimal supplementary controllers and PSS parameters. Moreover, singular value decomposition (SVD) method is utilized to select the most effective damping control signal of IPFC lead-lag controllers. To evaluate the system performance, different operating conditions are considered. Reponses of system in five modes including uncoordinated and coordinated modes of IPFC and PSS using ICA and SFLA are studied and compared. Considering the results, response of system without controller shows the highest overshoot and the longest settling time for rotor angel at the different operating conditions. In this mode of system, rotor speed has the highest overshoot. Rotor angel in the system with only PSS includes lower overshoot and oscillation than system without controller. When PSS is only implemented, rotor speed deviation has the longest settling time. Rotor speed deviation in the uncoordinated mode of IPFC and PSS shows lower overshoot than system with only PSS and without controller. It is noticeable that in this mode, rotor angel has higher overshoot than system with only PSS. The superiority of the suggested ICA-based coordinated controllers is obvious compared with SFLA-based coordinated controllers and other system modes. Responses of coordinated PSS and IPFC SFLA-based supplementary controllers include higher peak amplitude and longer settling time compared with coordinated IPFC and PSS ICA-based controllers. This comparison shows that overshoots, undershoots and the settling times are reduced considerably in coordinated mode of IPFC based controller and PSS using ICA. Analysis of the system performance shows that the proposed method has excellent response to different faults in power system.

Key words:interline power flow controller (IPFC); controller; imperialist competitive optimization algorithm; power system stabilizer (PSS)

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