A quantitative analysis method for GPR signals based on optimal biorthogonal wavelet


论文作者:凌同华 刘浩然 李地元 HUANG Fu(黄阜) 张亮

文章页码:879 - 891

Key words:GPR detection signal; quantitative analysis; wavelet time–frequency analysis; biorthogonal wavelet basis

Abstract: Due to the disturbances arising from the coherence of reflected waves and from echo noise, problems such as limitations, instability and poor accuracy exist with the current quantitative analysis methods. According to the intrinsic features of GPR signals and wavelet time–frequency analysis, an optimal wavelet basis named GPR3.3 wavelet is constructed via an improved biorthogonal wavelet construction method to quantitatively analyse the GPR signal. A new quantitative analysis method based on the biorthogonal wavelet (the QAGBW method) is proposed and applied in the analysis of analogue and measured signals. The results show that compared with the Bayesian frequency-domain blind deconvolution and with existing wavelet bases, the QAGBW method based on optimal wavelet can limit the disturbance from factors such as the coherence of reflected waves and echo noise, improve the quantitative analytical precision of the GPR signal, and match the minimum thickness for quantitative analysis with the vertical resolution of GPR detection.

Cite this article as: LIU Hao-ran, LING Tong-hua, LI Di-yuan, HUANG Fu, ZHANG Liang. A quantitative analysis method for GPR signals based on an optimal biorthogonal wavelet [J]. Journal of Central South University, 2018, 25(4): 879–891. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11771-018-3791-y.

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