文章页码:579 - 584
关键词:硫酸盐; 固体电解质; 气体探测器; 浓度; 氧比硫; 硫酸铜; 分解反应; 化学热力学;二氧化碳
Key words:sulfate; solid electrolyte; gas detector; concentration; sulfur oxide; copper sulfate; decomposition reaction; chemical thermodynamics;sukfur dioxide
摘 要:本研究的目的是为了发展一种在线测定的探测器,测定工业生产中常见的二氧化硫的浓度.首先研究了Ag2SO4-Li2SO4体系。在高达10%的二氧化硫浓度下,该体系的电导率仍与浓度无关.电导率与相图的对应关系很好.在氧存在的条件下可用这种电解质测定含量在10%以下的二氧化硫或三氧化硫·用于硫酸铜的分解研究其所得结果与文献中其他方法比较,相差在3%以内.
Abstract: The goal of this study is to develop an on-line detector for the measurement of SO2 in industrial processes. At first the Ag2SO4-Li2SO4 system was studied. Up to 10% of SO2 the electric conductivity of the system is still independent of the con- centration of SO2 and there is a good correspondence between the electric conductivity and the phase diagram of the syetem. The sulfate electrolyte may be used for the concentration measurements of SO2 or SO3 if their concentration is less than 10% and with enongh oxygen in existence. The decomposition of copper sulfate was also studied with the electrolytes, compared with reference data, the differences are within 3%.