


论文作者:邓竹声 郭昌槐 余雪花

文章页码:137 - 141

关键词:氧化锑; 浮选; 变性水玻璃

Key words:antimony oxide; flotation; modified water glass

摘    要:在pH≈7.5和有Mn2+离子存在的情况下,通过浮选试验、ζ-电位测定、吸附试验,初步研究了变性水玻璃对细粒氧化锑矿物和脉石矿物硅化灰岩浮选行为的影响。研究表明,变性水玻璃对细粒氧化锑矿物与主要脉石矿物硅化灰岩的浮选分离具有明显的效果,有利于它们的浮选分离。

Abstract: In the condition of pH=7. 5 and the presence of Mn~2+, the effect of modified water glass on the flotation behavior of fine refractory antimony oxide and silicified limestone was primarily studied by measuring the zeta-potential and by means of the flotation tests and adsorption in the paper. The results show that the modified water glass plays evidently an advantageous role in the flotation separation of fine antimony oxide from the silicified limestone and the principal gangue mineral.



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